IDRA Featured Interior Design Software: EZBlueprint

Easy Blue Print is an easy-to-use software program that makes creating floor plans for office and home layouts a snap. Used by thousands of professionals, from real estate agents to professional designers (and many other fields), it offers all of the features necessary for getting the job done without all  the complications.

Create Floor Plans in Minutes


Want to Print to Paper? Create Brochures? Print directly from Easy Blue Print Professional to your printer in order to create high-resolution, print-to-scale floor plan diagram documents.

Custom Symbols, Special Graphics

It doesn’t take much to turn an empty room into something that looks really interesting. It might just take a desk, a plant, or a rug. Whatever it is, Easy Blue Print Professional gives you the ability to use custom symbols created by other Easy Blue Print Pro users, or even create your own special-purpose custom symbols.

Share Your Drawings

Easy Blue Print Professional makes it easy for you to export your drawings. You can create images of any size or resolution. This means your friends or coworkers don’t have to install Easy Blue Print when they want to see your drawings. Just export an image of your drawing and email it, embed in Microsoft Word, or put it on your website

Generate Adobe PDF Files

Use print-to-PDF technology together with Easy Blue Print Professional to quickly and easily create PDF files of your drawings.

Larger Properties, or Detailed Drawings

Want to do more than draw an office reception area? Drawings of larger offices or homes, which contain lots of brilliant detail, are no problem for Easy Blue Print Professional. There is no need to worry about running out of space in Easy Blue Print Professional.

Compatible with Windows 7, Vista and XP
Linux version

For more information and features:


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