Going to
networking events can be fun, especially but it's important that you make good use of your time while you are
there. Here are six
golden rules to follow to help you do just that.
Rule #1. Have a Purpose
That sounds pretty
basic but it will save you a lot of time and energy if you have a
purpose to your networking. Your purpose
could be to meet new prospective clients, to be "seen" amongst the
movers and shakers of your industry or to connect with possible joint venture
partners. Depending on the event it could be all three! Perhaps you
are looking for a coach, mentor or service provider to help you move your
business forward. The main thing is
to be clear about why you are there.
Rule #2. Be Selective
Because going
to networking events can be fun, it's very tempting to accept every opportunity
but you can't afford to do that. Being selective
means being clear about who you want to connect with and identifying where
those people are. If you don't
prioritize, you could end up in all the wrong places. Worse still ,you could miss
out on being where you really need to be to make the valuable connections you
are seeking.
Check your
opportunities against your criteria and ask yourself - is this a good use of my
Rule #3. Set an Intention
Rule #3. Set an Intention
Before you head
out the door, set an intention. What you want to get out of the
networking function?On an energetic
level, when you begin mingling you'll automatically attract the people who are
looking for you. Conversations will come easily and you will have more chance
of finding a match than having no clear intention or outcome in mind.
Rule #4. Quality not Quantity
There is no
need to talk to every person in the room. In fact that is one of the big
mistakes people make. There's simply not enough time. Your
purpose is to make meaningful connections with the people you intend to meet so
focus on quality and not quantity.
Look around and
get a feel for who you want to meet and approach them. Take your time,
introduce yourself and be inquisitive. Ask questions and wait for the answers -
then ask another question. If you like what you hear, spend more time to
develop the conversation. If not, politely move on.
At the same
time be careful not to monopolise someone just because you do established a
rapport. If you are really hitting it off then suggest you spend some more time
together and pull out your diary and make a time. Meanwhile you can both
continue to mingle.
Rule #5. Swap Business Cards
Some people go to all the trouble of attending a business networking event and
don't take any business cards! Don't be one of them. Make sure you
leave home with a stack of business cards and be generous in exchanging them
with the people who you meet. My tip is to have two pockets in the outfit you
wear. One loaded with your cards and another to put the cards of your new
acquaintances into so you don't get them mixed up!
It's also a
great idea to have your picture on your business card so people can recall your
face and put a face to the name when you contact them.
Rule #6. Follow Up, Follow Up, Follow Up
The way to
maximize the results from all the time and effort you have made in your
is to follow up. Make contact in
whatever way you like but make contact! An email or, better still, a card or
note through the snail mail will be appreciated. And not just to sell them
even though you have met in person you should also connect on common Social
Media platforms as well. Send a LinkedIn invitation, Twitter tweet or Facebook
friend request. This will broaden the opportunity to share about yourself
ongoing as well as learn more about them. This will deepen the relationship
must faster than you can imagine.
Business should
be fun so have a good time with your face-to-face
networking but always remember your purpose is to make connections and build
relationships. Don't leave empty handed.
By Kathleen Ann
Photography by Johnny Magnussen
Small business marketing expert Kathleen Ann is the
"Marketing Champion for small Business and entrepreneurs." As a
Certified Money, Marketing and Soul Coach Kathleen delivers breakthrough marketing
strategies so heart-centered entrepreneurs can Brand, Package and Price their
services to quickly create more money, time and freedom in their business. For
free articles, free resources and to sign up for her free audio and transcript
"7 Must Know Secrets to Business Branding Success", essential
Branding strategies to help you attract qualified ideal clients in droves,
visit http://www.powerupyourmarketing.com.
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